Hosted by Asheville Empire Lacrosse, the Guardian Cup is a one-day tournament for recreation leagues open to 14U, 12U and 10U teams. The 5th Annual Guardian Cup will be held at Fletcher Park just south of Asheville, NC on Saturday, May 12, 2018.
3 Game Guarantee
Low Cost
One Location
Convenient Schedule
Boys Age Groups:
10U (2026, 2027) Divisions
12U (2024, 2025) Divisions
14U (2022, 2023) Divisions
Boys Games:
All boys teams will play a minimum of 3 games
Games will be 10 v 10 Full Field
Games are 12 minute running quarters
10U teams will play 7×7 on a shorter field.
Site: Fletcher Park, 85 Howard Gap Road, Fletcher, NC 28732
Cost per team: $500 – 10U, 12U and 14U
Registration details to follow.
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