In 2019, Asheville Empire Lacrosse will offer the fast-paced indoor box lacrosse to boys in grade 3 through grade 8. Join us for three (3) weekends this winter at Asheville Racquet Club South!
Indoor BOX Lacrosse

Dust off the cobwebs and join Asheville Empire Lacrosse in our upcoming Winter Box LAX Games at Asheville Racquet Club South; three weekends of high-intensity training for boys in grades 3 through 8. Playing box lacrosse is great for improving stick skills and accuracy while forcing players to learn to make decisions on the fly. Newly acquired and highly desirable skills learned from box lacrosse translate well to the outdoor game and give players an edge on the field.
DATES: January 26-27, February 2-3 and February 9-10
Grades 3-4: Saturdays from 11am – 12pm. Players will spend 30 minutes in station drills and scrimmage for 30 minutes.
Grades 5-6: Sundays from 12:10pm-2:pm. Each team in this division will spend 10 minutes of warm ups and drills and play two 40-minute games per weekend. One additional game will be played on the last weekend – the championship game between first and second place teams.
Grades 7-8: Sundays from 2pm – 5pm Each team in this division will spend 10 minutes of warm ups and drills and play two 40-minute games per weekend. One additional game will be played on the last weekend – the championship game between first and second place teams.
The indoor game is a short field game played in a 5 v 5 format (not including the goalie) – 6 v 6 format including the goalie. Teams will be limited to a maximum of 13 players per team. Teams may exceed the maximum only by special exception. Only field sticks are allowed (no defensive long poles) and please no cleats; turf shoes (preferable) or running shoes. Additional Goalie leg pads for indoor use will be provided every weekend. Every goalie should expect to bring all their other equipment they use in regular season. Every player must provide their own equipment.
Equipment for boys include: Short Stick (long poles not allowed), helmet, shoulder pads, arm guards, gloves, cup, mouth guard, sneakers/turf shoes, and water bottle.
Please wear reversible practice pinnies (NO game jerseys or shorts). Turf shoes or sneakers only.